UD Cloud - OpenCloud

Create Your Cloud Instance with OpenCloud Instantly

OpenCloud is developed with OpenStack technology. You can instantly create your Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian instance in our Hong Kong and US Data Centers. We offer 100Gb+ Hong Kong & 30Gb overseas bandwidth and premium China network speed.

You can allocate CPU, memory, storage and other network resources directly to different server at any time. Together with cloud security & backup, network & CDN acceleration, various monitoring tools and other value-added services, you can save IT investment cost while achieving high flexibility and availability.

UD Cloud - OpenCloud

Create Your First Cloud Instance with OpenCloud Now

View pricing Signup Now

You can allocate CPU, memory, storage and other network resources directly to different server at any time. Together with cloud security & backup, network & CDN acceleration, various monitoring tools and other value-added services, you can save IT investment cost while achieving high flexibility and availability.

UD Cloud - OpenCloud

Create Your First Cloud Instance with OpenCloud Now

View pricing Signup Now